Music Characterization

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How has popular music evolved over time? Why has it changed? As part of the R For Data Science TidyTuesday series, I quickly analyzed a large dataset of Spotify songs, which included detailed characteristics of each song. The visualizations below were created using R. All code can be found on github here.

All genres and characteristics over time

Each of the 30k songs in the dataset are categorized by genre. Values are also assigned to each song based upon 12 music characteristics, such as acousticness, temp, and loudness.

For example, the danceability of rap songs experienced its nadir in the early 2010s but has started to increase again in recent years.

Moreover, the loudness of rock songs has steadily increased over time.

Linear Model

What can explain these changes over time? What determines a song’s popularity? The Spotify data includes a measure of each song’s popularity. A generalized linear model can help us understand.

track popularity ~ glm(danceability + energy + key + loudness + mode + speechiness + acousticness + instrumentalness + liveness + valence + tempo + duration)

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 77.827 1.674 46.481 0.0000
danceability 5.043 1.049 4.809 0.0000
energy -29.519 1.198 -24.642 0.0000
key 0.043 0.037 1.143 0.2532
loudness 1.525 0.064 23.764 0.0000
mode 0.718 0.273 2.627 0.0086
speechiness -7.254 1.356 -5.348 0.0000
acousticness 3.222 0.732 4.402 0.0000
instrumentalness -11.979 0.630 -19.005 0.0000
liveness -4.312 0.882 -4.890 0.0000
valence 2.783 0.641 4.340 0.0000
tempo 0.021 0.005 4.171 0.0000
duration_ms 0.000 0.000 -20.170 0.0000
